Dehydration is fluid loss which occurs during exercise, mainly due to perspiration and respiration. It makes a player more susceptible to fatigue and muscle cramps. Inadequate fluid replacement before, during and after exercise will lead to excessive dehydration and may lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
To avoid dehydration; it is recommended that:
- Players drink approximately 500mls (2 glasses) in the 2 hours prior to exercise.
- During exercise longer than 60 minutes, 2 to 3 cups (500 to 700 ml) of cool water or sports drink are sufficient for most sports.
- After exercise replenish fluid deficit to ensure that the player is fully re-hydrated, but not over-hydrated.
Points to consider:
- Will your players and officials be able to consume enough water during the event?
- Even a small degree of dehydration will cause a decrease in performance.
Injury Prevention Techniques
It is a well known fact that athletes are less likely to be injured when they are physically fit. In addition, well conditioned athletes can perform at a higher level of intensity for longer periods of time without becoming fatigued.
This resistance to fatigue allows fit athletes to be both physically and mentally in control of themselves from the drop of the puck until the final buzzer.
The basic components of fitness are:
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditioning
- Muscular Endurance, Strength and Power
- Motor Coordination and Skill
- Joint Flexibility
- Speed, Agility and Quickness Characteristics
The training and fitness components are complex and dependent on the athletes’ age and experience.
- For 9 to 12 year olds emphasis should be on motor coordination and skill development.
- For 13 to 16 year olds emphasis should be on development of aerobic conditioning and muscular endurance.
- For 17 to 20 year olds emphasis should be on development of aerobic conditioning, anaerobic conditioning and muscular strength and power.
For more information click here.
Note: It is important to consult a professional when introducing muscular endurance/ strength/power training.
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