Hello Parents and Guardians of u11 house league players!
Welcome to the 2024/2025 season for under-11 hockey! (players born in 2014 and 2015).
You should have received your ice times for the first 5 hours of the season (4 hours of pre-skate plus 1 hour of skills evaluation). Please check your junk / spam folder if you did not receive this information. If you did not receive this information, please email
Please also ensure that you have blocked off September 28 and September 29 while you wait for a just-in-time email of when your child’s one hour of ice time will be on each of September 28 and September 29. These emails will be sent as soon as we have the necessary data. Parents will likely receive these emails 1-2 days before the game.
The emails that you received contain times specific to your child. Your friends may have similar looking emails but with different time slots.
VERY IMPORTANT: Please ensure that at least one parent has their respect in Sport registration completed prior to September 1.
One parent of all new players must complete the online version of Respect in Sport for parents by September 1st. If it is not completed by September 1st, the player will not be able to go on the ice.
Go to the HEO website to register and complete the online course Parent Respect In Sport
Please be on the lookout for volunteering positions that will be sent by email in early September! There will be a lot of very different volunteering positions available and we need lots of volunteers to make the month of September a success! So please sign up for as many volunteer positions as you can when the list comes out. The list will be sent to all parents and to all non-parents who signed up as a volunteer in August through the KMHA callout for volunteers (including high school students looking for volunteer hours). If you have a high school student looking to volunteer and that student did not register as a potential volunteer during the KMHA callout, please email me at and I will add them to the list of potential volunteers.
The volunteer positions vary in time and complexity and range from data entry to greeting players to helping run things on the ice. Please be generous with your time and volunteer for as much as you can during the busy hockey month of September!
Please note that the convenor position (and many other positions at the KMHA) are staffed by volunteers and these are busy volunteer positions. Therefore, replies to emails that you send may take a very long time. Please make your best effort to read through the information that has been provided to you prior to emailing any questions to the convenor.
I wish everyone a very enjoyable and rewarding hockey season! Have fun!
The Convenor (